Category: Stories

Nigeria Stories- Love and emotional stories

The Woman I Cherish 11

Angel and Jewel sat quietly at the faculty garden. They were the only one in the garden. every other students have gone back to their hostel. The garden was very …

The Woman I Cherish 10

Jewel stood still, staring at the door Henry just walked out from. He couldn’t do or say anything. He knew very well that Henry might have misunderstood what he saw. …

The Woman I Cherish 9

Jewel entered his room to see Henry lying on his bed. He noticed Henry wasn’t in a good mood. He walked to sit beside him on his bed. “what’s wrong?” …

The Woman I Cherish 8

Henry woke up very early the next day and prepared for lectures. He was smiling all through. He had made a promise that he would tell Angel her he feels …

The Woman I Cherish 7

Henry sat on his bed, with his book and pen right beside him. He was trying to learn what was thought in class for that day but couldn’t seem to …

The Woman I Cherish 6

Angel stood like a log of wood, staring at Jewel’s retreating figure. she couldn’t believe what just happened. it was not like she was coming to apologize. she only wanted …

The Woman I cherish 5

The lecturer walked to the board and wrote ‘first semester test’ on it. He turned to face the class. “I said you should space yourself” he barked. “please sir” the …