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Inksnation Human Asset Tokenization


Inksnation- Physical tokens have long been used to replace real money. Casino chips are one such example, as are banknotes and coins, which denote a legal right of ownership of the underlying currency.

The use of tokens in the digital world came about as a means of replacing sensitive data with a non-sensitive digital equivalent

While tokenization is a highly useful tool in PCI data security, when combined with blockchain it becomes exponentially more powerful. When a token is issued on a blockchain, the blockchain records the issuance and maintains a ledger of every single movement of that token.

A critical feature of blockchain with regards to tokens is that it overcomes the “double-spend” problem. Before blockchain, any digital asset such as an image, or document, could be copied an infinite number of times by anyone with access to it.

Consider an email trail with an attachment — everyone on the email trail has their own copy of that attachment.
The creation of Bitcoin overcame this issue by using a distributed ledger to keep a permanent, immutable record of Bitcoin transactions.

Each Bitcoin is a token, and every time a Bitcoin transaction takes place, the ledger is updated to reflect the spend. Thus, no Bitcoin can be spent twice.

Overcoming the double-spend problem now means that with blockchain, digital tokens can be used in a similar way to casino chips or banknotes.

Having gotten this lets slide to Inksnation Tokenization of Human Assets

Humanity Asset and Tokenization

Humanity is the most valuable asset on Earth, inevitable and we give every other thing value including money, houses, cars but we forget to give ourselves value.

The world has gone so bad that just like the palliatives has revealed that poverty is rampant, it’s also showing that in no time if we don’t correct the system the poor will rise up against the rich because of the anger and poverty in the land.

What is an Asset

An asset is anything that has value or gives value but accounting will say it’s anything that brings in cash why liabilities are anything that takes away money from you.

This definition unveils the reason why human beings are not valued eg the more children you have, the more liabilities you have “from pampers to Schools Fees, etc”

What is Tokenization

Tokenization is the art of taking anything of value or any asset and representing it’s worth in a Digital form.

Eg of Tokenized Assets: Gold, Watch, House, Land, Paintings, and so much more but no one has ever thought of Tokenizing Humanity.

Inksnation Human Asset Tokenization

Why is human Asset Tokenization Needed?

Humanity values only things that bring in money. She herself has created the reason because if we must survive the next 20 years we need a system that values human life very well.

Humanity has Tokenized Gold traditionally in the Gold Standard by representing the Gold with paper money where. The gold is more important than the paper but humanity forgot that Gold is valuable but is not inevitable.

The only inevitable asset on Earth is Humanity

The entire human race can do without Gold but the entire human race cannot do with humanity unless u want to live in total isolation. That makes the human race the most valuable asset on Earth

How is Tokenization Done Digitally?

Ordinary art paintings have been Tokenized. For instance, if one single art paintings is said to be worth $20 million then,
1. Who gave it that value?
Answer:- Human Beings
2. Who will purchase it?
Answer:- Human Beings

So the big question is: what is the worth of a human being or a human life?

The Art or Gold that’s worth $20 Million is Tokenized by creating a digital representation of that $20 Millon. For example, for art we can call it PaintX and the currency is PTX.

So we can create 20 Million Coins of PTX where 1 coin is = $1 share. Or we can create 200,000 coins where each coin is worth 100$. This helps for divisibility and people can buy a few parts of the art paintings which was not divisible.

So if such a painting that was drawn by humans, valued by humans and also bought by humans can have such value, then I ask again, What is the value of the valuer (human being)? Or let me say, what is the average value of a human being.?

In block chain, Gold has been Tokenized, Art has been Tokenized, even a basketballer has Tokenized his contract before so anything that can be counted can be put on the blockchain. Also anything of value, anything of worth can be Tokenized.

In the beginning, God gave the utmost value to humanity in a way that every other thing got their value from the human race, that’s why immediately man fell every other thing fell.

Human Asset Tokenization

InksNation DAO value the lives of human beings.

Dangote can tokenize his worth on the block chain, Davido can tokenize his net worth on the block chain.

You reading this, what is your worth?

With the same mindset of the beginning of creation, put humanity first we have been able to restructure the system in a way that Government will value people’s lives. The loose of a soul with affect the reserve of any nation.

I don’t want to go into the mathematical cryptography of our Blockchain for Human Asset DEVELOPMENT.

Just know that every single person on our Blockchain is worth an average of $800,000

Remember in the Art Tokenization you created a new currency called PTX same here blockchain gives us the grace to tokenize anything of value.

The most important fear of Tokenization is if I tell u that this gold is worth $20 Million
1. Will u accept?
2. Will u buy portions like shares in that tokens?

But is there any human being after suffering all he has suffered and he is told that he is worth $800,000 and that from today onwards you will be paid $400 monthly for life from that his worth as Universal Basic Income, then if you are working in the Government you get higher percentage eg $2000 monthly, your housing will be deducted, car allowance from that $800,000 etc

Is there anyone that will refuse such an offer?

NOTE: Anything can become money because money is the product of acceptance and belief.

So do you accept that you can be worth $800,000, do accept that block chain can represent that worth for you, do you also accept that you can collectively exchange your worth from user2user eg when I receive my UBI and send to you to buy food we are exchanging part of our worth with each other.

Lastly, do you believe you are even worth $800,000, or you just ‘yinmu’ because you don’t actually know your worth as the fearfully created?

Our job is to create the platform that can help you put that worth that we see in you on the blockchain and represent it digitally but not only for you unlike the art put on the blockchain or Tokenized, but we also need millions upon billions of people to say.

1. Since InksLedger Blockchain sees me as someone that is worth $800,000, I, therefore, accept to Tokenize that worth on the InksLedger Blockchain in order to change the status quo and unveil The HAT Age.

So when you are registering you are saying to yourself, I believe I am worth $800,000 and I accept to put that worth on the InksLedger Blockchain in order to receive part of that worth monthly as Universal Child Basic Income.

What you also need to understand is if inanimate things that are built by humans get their value from human beings and are bought by humans can be valued to the level of being Tokenized why can’t I & u be Tokenized.

So instead of Tokenizing one person, we tokenize all humanity.

Now let us get more mathematical on how the government and commercial banks can benefit

If a child is born today he or she starts receiving her own monthly pay monthly it will take that child 2000 months or 166 years to exhaust the funds, same with every other child.

Most people die at 70 years so an average person will still have more than 80 years that he won’t be able to use, this part is available for the government to borrow and use it now for amenities also the fact that it is split into many months makes it.possible to use now and return later.

The beautiful part is that the overall reserve of eg 1 million persons who have already joined ie 1m x $800,000 = $800 Billion can be stored in Nodes run by the central bank and drops into commercial bank accounts for your usage.

But the central bank gets access to use a maximum of 1.8% of those funds for other things and bvos it’s in circles those who work will have more access to more out of their $800,000 than others.

InksLedger Blockchain permits Central Banks to become Universal InksNodes or Federated InksNode Bearers while Commercial Banks can become Private InksNode Bearers acting as intermediaries.

For us, blockchain didn’t come to end banking it actually came to upgrade it and change the system.

Only 14 Central Banks or Countries can become part of the Universal Reserve InksNodes of InksLedger Blockchain but we can have uncountable private & federated InksNode.

The HoOS already runs her own Universal Reserve InksNodes waiting for the first Central Bank to birth this system, we are happy that Switzerland & Malta will be the first set of Commercial Bank Private InksNode

There 5 private are the individual private InksNode Bearers. We are changing the way things work in order for value to be given back to the human race.

Eg If Nigeria accepts to run an InksNode to host the countries token reserve, the country will have the grace to also digitize the Naira ie a CBDC without altering the Paper Naira but extensively will have a reserve of a minimum of $879 Billion Dollars.

That’s to say, if 200 million Nigerians join in, there will be over 160 Trillion in global reserve, Nigeria will run her own InksNode and gets access to use 1.8% of those funds which is $2.8 Trillion.

This is why we call it Strategic Global Abundance Monetary Policy because everybody will be happy and Artificial intelligence can easily become our global slaves and maids.

If all governments of the world uses the InksLedger Financial Systems, we will have a better world that values people’s lives because for every person that dies $800,000 will disappear from the reserve automatically so imagine if 1000 people die this week $800,000,000 will disappear from Nigeria’s own reserve. This will make people value people, and governments value human life.

Now the question is this?
Do you value yourself well enough the way we value every one of you to the extent of representing yourself as a LivingNode on the InksLedger Blockchain?

So with Switzerland and/or Malta integrations, we will be able to achieve a lot and we would fully be able to utilize our worth fully.

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