Police Rescue Kidnapped Minors in Zamfara After 19-Month Ordeal

Police Rescue Kidnapped Minors in Zamfara After 19-Month Ordeal

In a positive development, the Nigerian Police Force Headquarters announced yesterday that they have successfully rescued two children, Maryam and Nana Asma’u, who were abducted along with their family in 2022. This incident originated in November 2022 when armed bandits attacked the tranquil village of Jangebe in Zamfara State. Aminu Ardo, a member of the Zamfara State House of Assembly, and his family were subjected to this violent assault. The bandits abducted Ardo’s pregnant wife, Hauwa’u, and their four children: Maryam, Nana Asma’u, Ummul Khairi, and Abdulrazaq.

Subsequently, they were transported to an undisclosed forest location in Katsina State, where they endured harrowing conditions. The children had to subsist on limited food and water, enduring challenging circumstances under the watch of their captors. Despite these adversities, Hauwa’u exhibited remarkable resilience, even giving birth to a child during captivity, although tragically, the infant did not survive.


2023, during a rainy night, Hauwa’u seized an opportunity and managed to escape with two of her children, Ummul Khairi and Abdulrazaq. However, Maryam and Nana Asma’u remained captive, intensifying the family’s anguish.

The recent successful rescue of Maryam and Nana Asma’u by the police represents a significant step forward. It highlights the unwavering commitment of law enforcement agencies to combat kidnappings and safeguard the well-being of citizens. As the family reunites, they can finally commence the process of recovery from the traumatic experiences they have endured.


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