In Akure, the state security outfit known as Amotekun has apprehended a total of 67 suspects, including 23 suspected kidnappers and 44 other individuals involved in criminal activities plaguing Ondo State. Among the captured suspects were three previously incarcerated individuals identified as Taiwo Adeola, Juwon Olanrewaju, and Olajide Olayemi, who were suspected of involvement in the kidnapping.
Addressing the press in Akure, Chief Adetunji Adeleye, the state commander of Amotekun, disclosed that the arrests were made over the past two weeks during operations conducted across the state. Adeleye emphasized that a significant number of the suspects were believed to be involved in the kidnapping. In contrast, others were identified by their victims or apprehended with various weapons and tools associated with criminal activities such as housebreaking, robbery, and murder.
Highlighting specific cases, Adeleye mentioned the capture of individuals with past criminal records, including one who had fled from Benin while facing charges related to kidnapping and robbery. Another individual claimed to have abandoned his involvement in the kidnapping and was subsequently apprehended during what he described as his final kidnapping operation. Additionally, Adeleye noted the confession of a suspect who admitted to being part of a seven-member kidnapping group responsible for terrorizing the Uso/Emure/Owo axis of the state.
The primary objective of parading the arrested suspects, according to Adeleye, is to send a clear message to criminals that their activities will not be tolerated in Ondo State. He affirmed the government’s commitment to maintaining peace and stability in the state and ensuring that criminal elements do not disrupt the lives of its residents.