Nominated Level 2 Housemates Says Everything On Their Mind In The Diary Room

Nominated Level 2 Housemates Says Everything On Their Mind In The Diary Room

Big Brother Naija Level Up Nominated Level 2 Housemates Says Everything On Their Mind In The Diary Room

As though they were yearning for the chance to speak to Big Brother, the Nominated Level 2 Housemates who had their Diary Sessions today, took a bit longer in the Diary Room than normal.

It’s hard to tell whether they are now getting accustomed to their one-on-one sessions with Biggie or if they are feeling the pressure of being up for possible Eviction, but they had a lot to share.


The first of the Nominated Housemates to be called into the Diary Session was Amaka. She expressed confusion over why she was put up for possible Eviction, especially because she feels she has kept things civil with her fellow Housemates.

Amaka’s guess was that it must have been because her fellow Housemates kept hearing her name a lot in discussions.


Christy O entered the Diary Room next. In her normal jovial self, she told Biggie that while she is happy about the new addition to the House, she thinks that Deji who went into Level 1 is cute. Christy O didn’t mince her words when she told Big Brother that she wished that Deji was brought into the Level 2 House instead of him going to Level 1.

Cyph likes Modella but won’t speak much about her character. He thinks that Deji is also cool though he doesn’t know him well since they are not in the same House.

When speaking of the Weekly Wager Task, Cyph told Big Brother that it is yet to be developed though he felt positive about it. When asked about the Saturday Night Party, the calm Cyph maintained a level of nonchalance about his encounter with Doyin.

Up next was Khalid who told Biggie that he thinks the new Housemates Modella is a cool person, though he doesn’t think she is much of a threat.


When asked about Deji, Khalid said that he didn’t notice him that much, except for his physical appearance.

Big Brother asked Khalid why he thought he was Nominated for this week’s possible Eviction to which he replied that it was because he is a threat.

The last of the Nominated Housemates were Phyna who shared the same sentiments as Khalid. She told Big Brother that she believed that the reason she was Nominated was that she was a threat.

She understood the logic behind her nomination as she said that if she were to choose, she would Nominate the ones who she felt were a threat as well.


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