My True Love 1

My True Love

Written by



Dedicated to our Army/Military men.
You are in our hearts, just as much as we are in yours.

His eyes are a golden brown that gets darkened in the throes of passion. His lips are full and so tempting, I don’t waste any time getting acquainted with them whenever we are alone.
His fair skin, darkened by his very manly hairs.


Oh! I love him.

I can see all that, almost feel them as I read his recent letter to me. His unit was told to abort a mission and was given a standing order to return to home base until further notice, which means he’ll be coming home… me.

Home. Where he belongs.

I remember the first time I saw him, he had been teasing someone I would later know to be part of his unit and the poor guy was already red in the face while his other batch mates laughed at him.
I remember thinking what a cruel person he was. Didn’t he see the poor guy was humiliated enough? I don’t remember how long I stood at the mall watching him while my friends talked about the type of cream one of us should get.


I remember the moment he looked at me. The feeling that passed through me, like current. I swear, I shuddered visibly right there and immediately looked away, pretending interest at whatever my friends were dealing with at that moment.
I remember he didn’t look away from me and when he moved away from his friends towards me, I remember grabbing the basket my friend- closest to my side, was holding and moved away like I was chased.

“Mira, where are you going?” They asked me. I don’t remember replying.

When I found myself in the assorted biscuits section, I knew I’d gone far from them and was silently cursing myself. What had gotten over me? I didn’t know him and he didn’t know me. To think I’d gone away so he wouldn’t come for me. What was I thinking? That he would come for me? I didn’t even want him to.
I remember being so confused at the conflicted way I was feeling.


A deep voice just behind me. I remember not moving, I just stood frozen in that spot. I hadn’t seen him, but I knew he was the one. How did I know?

“Are you going to keep staring at it like you’ve been doing since you walked in here?” I knew he was teasing me like he’d done to that guy, unlike the guy, I wouldn’t stand for it.

I remember picking the biscuit, not really caring what it was. I wasn’t a biscuit person.

“Unlike some people, I actually came here to shop rather than stalk, gawk and be a nuisance in my environment,” I replied harshly, turning to face him and then I was truly blown away.

His eyes caught me first and I remember him standing so close, a smirk on his face like he knew the reaction he was having on me despite my words to him.
I remember turning away from him and seeing my friends standing few meters away from us, just watching.
I remember picking more biscuits before leaving to join my friends. I remember his hand stopping me and turning me around to face him.
I remember raising a brow and trying to stare him down and him, just smiling. His brow also raised, imitating mine.

“So you like maryland biscuit?” He asked. I didn’t reply. I didn’t even know that was the biscuit I picked. Good choice then, as my sisters loved it.

“So do I. Especially the chocolate chip flavor.” He said, not bothered that I didn’t answer him.

“If you are finished having a conversation with yourself, I advise that you let go of my arm,” I said to him.

I remember the look he gave me before releasing me, it didn’t stop me from throwing a biscuit at him when I was far from his grip, which he caught deftly. This time he grinned at me.

I remember the shocked expression on the faces of my friends as I reached them. I didn’t wait to hear what they had to say, I simply dragged them to the counter, where we paid and not once did I look back to see if he was still there.

I remember him telling me that, that was when he knew he had to see me again.

I guess we were really meant to be because the trouble I gave him was enough to push away the most determined. But he’d stayed and fought for me and eventually won me over.

I remember thinking that, that would be the last I would see of him, little did I know it was just the beginning.
My true love…



The stars are out, I stare at them and wonder if he’s also doing the same wherever he is. He calls me his star. He says, since he can’t take me on his missions- except my pictures and sometimes when he isn’t busy we skype each other, he goes out to look up at the stars that are always there and imagine me as one of them, that way I’m always with him. That way we stay connected.

He makes me so mushy sometimes.

So I’m out here looking at the stars and wondering if he’s doing the same. My heart, my life has never been the same since he “keyed” his way into them. Though I pushed him away at first, especially when I found out he was in the army, then it was a strike against him. I wish I could take those back if I’d known he’d hold a rare place in my heart. I’d take it back the very first time he said “hey” to me and us’ ld make lovely memories instead.

Sometimes when I lie at night to sleep, I look back at our journey and just laugh at some of my behaviors. He also behaved badly but in his defense, he says I bring out the worst in him. I accept since he brings out the same in me. I also accept those parts of him, it’s part of what makes me adore him and sometimes almost make me tear my hair out.

He is a bad boy but he’s my bad boy. My very bad boy!

Oh! How he fought for me, dragged out feelings I didn’t know existed and made himself the center of my world. So here’s our beginning, the start of our journey.



I go, not knowing where I’m headed to. Still, I move because it’s a start, a start of new beginnings.
– Anonymous.

The church was filled today. If I’d paid any attention to my father’s discussion with the pastor, the day before, I’ll have known that today was a special Sunday.
Army men, dressed in army attire were present as the former General also attended my church and it seemed they came to pay their dues.
It was no business of mine or it wasn’t until I saw him or he saw me.

I was on stage singing the opening praise when they marched in. I heard a slight gasp from my friend Chioma who was right behind me. She wasn’t the only one who’d been surprised, the church members all stood, watching the scene.
They marched right up front, did whatever demonstration they did in the army, saluted the former General and were later shown their seats. They occupied the second row of the second column in the church where the former General sat in the first row.

Church soon stopped talking to continue the praise. As the chorister singing the praise, I let myself go and allowed the praise take over. That was how I was dancing when I felt a pair of eyes on me. The congregation rarely affected me so what was making me so conscious when I wanted to lose myself in praises?
I scanned the church, still singing and dancing until my eyes met a pair of eyes I never thought I’d see again. The eyes belonged to an army official. Army? He was in the army?

The moment he realized I’d recognized him, he started to smile and I looked away, I turned away completely from that side throughout praise, but it was hard as he was stuck there in the middle of the church, in the middle of my vision.
I struggled with my praise. He’d affected me to the extent that he’d affected my praise and I wasn’t pleased with myself. I was pissed, at him and at myself. I told myself to ignore him and I did until the service was over.

I made sure I hung around my choir mates, we always had meetings after church services while my parents waited to speak with the pastor and some of their friends. My siblings usually disappeared until it was time for them to be found. So I was being scarce when he found me before our meeting.
I’d been watching him and his fellow soldiers, gathered around the former General when one of my friends in the choir told a group around her that he was her younger brother who’d just gotten back from a mission. It also occurred to me that, that would mean the former General was his father, as she was one of the daughters of the former General.

It was while I was caught up in the story that I suddenly saw him appear before me.
He said with a smile.
“Luck must be on my side for us to meet again and so soon after our encounter the other day, but you don’t have to say anything because I- what was it again?”
He paused as if trying to remember while I just sat there watching him as he’d appeared from nowhere.

“Yea, I remember now. I stalk, gawk and I’m a nuisance in my environment.” He smiled as if he’d solved a great puzzle.

Seeing as I was still watching him, he pulled up a chair and sat beside me, watching me too with those eyes that had suddenly gone serious.
“You have beautiful eyes, Mira.” He said, his eyes still searching mine, stripping me bare.
I looked away and tried to think of something evil and witty at the same time to say to him but I kept thinking how prettier his were.
I needed to get away…fast.

“Jase!” His father called. I leaped up and escaped.
“Till we meet again.” He called out after me.


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