Goodluck Jonathan Needs to answer this 9 Questions

Jonathan okays governors’ talks on national concerns

We curated 9 Questions needed  to be answered by the Former President of Nigeria Dr Goodluck Jonathan.

Goodluck Jonathan was Nigeria President from 2009 till 2015.


Goodluck Jonathan Need To Answer This Questions

  1. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan need to explain to Nigerians how he managed to pay fuel subsidy and yet sold fuel at N86 per liter.
  2. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan need to explain to Nigerians how he manage to swallow our insults, criticism and protests without using the military and DSS to hunt us down
  3. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan needs to explain to Nigerians how he managed to handle our group protests and yearnings without calling us terrorists
  4. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan need to explain to Nigerians how he managed to controls our borders and yet a bag of rice was sold for 8,000
  5. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan need to explain to Nigerians how he managed to build 17 federal universities in 17 states in Nigeria.
  6. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan need to explain to Nigerians how he managed to build almajiri schools in all the Norther Local governments.
  7. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan need to explain to Nigerians how he managed to hold $1=N165 for 4yrs
  8. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan need to Explain to Nigerians how he managed to push Nigeria’s economy to be number 1 in Africa.
  9. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan need to explain to Nigerians how he fought Ebola without closing Schools, Banks, Courts, Mosques Churches and banning weddings/gatherings… And without foreign intervention..

    Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, we need answers.

    Goodluck Ebele Jonathan
    Goodluck Jonathan Needs to answer this 9 Questions

    AUTHENTIC ALSO POSTED: Goodluck Jonathan: I placed the interest of Nigeria ahead of my personal interest

    Authentic News Giant


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