The Woman I Cherish 8

The Woman I cherish

Henry woke up very early the next
day and prepared for lectures. He
was smiling all through. He had
made a promise that he would tell
Angel her he feels about her. Just
imagining the fact that Angel will
soon become his girlfriend is giving
him so much joy. He would treat her
like the queen she is, when she
finally agrees to be his girlfriend. He
left the hostel when he was ready,
without waiting for Jewel. He was so
anxious to go for lectures.
All through lecture, Henry didn’t pay
attention to what the lecturer was
saying. He kept taking glances at
Angel from time to time. He had
already prepared what he would say
to Angel when he is alone with her.
Francis on the other hand, is also
lost in thought. he also wasn’t paying
attention to what the lecturer was
lecturer. His eyes were just fixed on
Lucy who was sitting at the far left in
the class.
immediately the lecturer left the
class, Francis rushed to sit beside
“hi” he greeted.
“hi” Lucy responded.
“how was the class?” he asked.
“it’s okay.” Lucy responded.
“so where are you heading now?”
Francis asked.
“I’m going to have lunch” Lucy
“can we go together? I’m also going
to have lunch” Francis said.
“okay, no problem then.” Lucy
responded and stood up.
Francis and Lucy left the class to
have lunch.
Francis and Lucy sat quietly in the
restuarant close to the faculty, eating
their lunch. Francis kept taking side
glances at Lucy as she eat. he
couldn’t believe that the lady he likes
was having lunch with him. He was
very sure that he likes Lucy as a
woman, but his problem is, he
doesn’t think he could be able to tell
her that he likes her. that had always
been his problem. he doesn’t have
the gut to tell a lady he likes that he
likes her. he has never confessed
his feelings for a lady. He lose the
lady he likes to another guy, because
he couldn’t tell her that he likes her.
He will try his best for that not to be
the case with Lucy. Even if he can’t
tell her with words, he will show it in
his action. she would come to realize
how much he love her when he
showered her with love.
They ate silently, and when they were
done, Lucy tried to pay for her meal,
but Francis prevented him.
“Don’t worry, I will take care of it”
Francis said.
“you don’t have to” Lucy responded.
“I insist” Francis said.
“okay, if you insist. thanks” Lucy
“you are welcome” Francis
Francis paid for their meal and they
left the restuarant together.
Henry went to the school garden
after lecture to see Angel sitting at
the far left in the garden. He couldn’t
control his joy when he saw her
sitting there alone. That was the
perfect opportunity for him to tell her
that he likes her.
He walked slowly to meet Angel and
sat beside her.
“hi” Henry greeted.
“hi” Angel responded.
“why are you sitting here alone?”
Henry asked.
“receiving fresh air” Angel
There was a deafening silence for a
“Angel” Henry called.
“yes” Henry responded
“I want to confess something to you”
Henry said.
Angel didn’t respond immediately.
she stared at Henry suspiciously.
“what is it?” she asked, slowly.
Henry took a deep breathe and stared
deeply at Angel.
” I know this might not be the best
time for me to say this, but I just
have to say it because it has been
troubling me. I like you Angel. I like
you very much. I want us to start
dating.” he said and waited curiously
for her responded.
Angel stared at Henry, surprised. she
wanted to speak but words couldn’t
come out from her mouth. She
couldn’t find the right word to say to
Henry. After staring silently at Henry
for a while, she heaved.
“Henry” she called softly.
“yes dear” Henry responded.
“I don’t think I’m ready for any
relationship. I’m very sorry, I can’t
date you.” Angel responded.
Henry couldn’t believe what he just
heard. it was as if someone just
dropped a heavy load on his head.
he never believed Angel could turn
him down. He was so confident. He
suddenly wished he didn’t ask her to
date him. He couldn’t say or do
anything again. he just stared silently
at Angel. Angel stared silently at him
also. The garden suddenly became
too quiet. even a drop of pin can be
Angel suddenly heard her name from
behind. she turned to see her course
rep, Daniel, walking towards her.
“Angel I have been looking for you all
over the faculty” Daniel said
immediately he got to Angel.
“why are you looking for me?” Angel
“Dr. Femi wants to see you now”
Daniel responded.
“okay, let me go and meet him then”
Angel said and left the garden
She didn’t bother asking why Dr.
Femi was looking for her. She just
wanted to leave the garden. she
didn’t like the atmosphere in the
garden. she wasn’t expecting Henry
to say such a thing to her.
Henry sat quietly at the garden. he
still couldn’t believe that Angel just
turned him down. When he was tired
of sitting, he stood up and left the
Angel stood in front of Dr. Femi’s
office. She didn’t know why he
wanted to see her. she didn’t bother
asking her course rep, because she
just wanted to leave that awkward
moment with Henry. She heaved a
sigh of relief and knock softly on the
door. she opened the door and
entered when she didn’t hear any
response. The first person she saw
when she entered Dr Femi’s office
was Jewel. her heart missed a beat
when she saw him. she couldn’t
explain why, but she suddenly
became unsettled when she saw
Jewel in Dr. Femi’s office. Could it
be that Jewel came to report her to
Dr. Femi. that certainly can’t be the
case. Dr. Femi was sitting behind his
best. He was working on some files
on his desk.
“good afternoon sir” Angel greeted.
Dr. Femi looked up from his desk to
see Angel and Jewel standing in his
“you are here already. please have
your seat.” Dr. Femi said, pointing to
the two visitor’s seat.
Angel and Jewel sat down quietly,
waiting for Dr. Femi to state his
reason for calling them to his office.
“without wasting much of your time.
let me go straight to the point.” Dr
Femi began.
“there will be an interlevel quiz in a
month’s time. since I’m your course
adviser and your statistics lecturer, I
have chosen you both to represent
your class. you have proven to be the
best in your class. I’m informing you
earlier before hand, so that you will
prepare very well for it. There are lot
of consolation prize that comes with
it, and the ultimate prize is very
appealing. no student in your level
has ever won it. I want you to make
the different. you guys need to study
hard. the topic of concentration is
not limited to your level. I will give
you some materials you will be
working with. you will have to decide
within yourself, when you will
meeting to study. I will give you
chance to make the decision, and
when you are done, you can come
back to meet me.” Dr. Femi
Jewel and Angel stared at him
surprise. they were not expecting
such. it means they will have to stick
to each other from now on. they
can’t avoid each other any more.
“you can leave now. when you have
made your decision, you can come
back to meet me” Dr. Femi said.
Jewel and Angel stood up and left
his office.


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